Sculpture Center (WSC) Registration Form
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Washington Sculpture Center (WSC) Registration Form — Please Print
Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________City/State _______________________________________ Zip Code ______________________
E-Mail (for confirmation letter) ________________________ Daytime Phone _________________
Evening Phone/Cell Phone Number____________________ Emergency Phone ______________How did you hear about WSC?________________________________________________________
Are you a minor?______________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________Class Selection(s)
ID#_____________ Class Title:______________________________ Tuition: $______________
ID#_____________ Class Title:______________________________ Tuition: $______________
ID#_____________ Class Title:______________________________ Tuition: $______________
ID#_____________ Class Title:______________________________ Tuition: $______________
ID#_____________ Class Title:______________________________ Tuition: $______________
Balance Due: $____________
Billing Information: We only take checks or money orders. We do not take credit cards. Make out check/money order payable to "Washington Sculpture Center" or "WSC" (Please do not send cash by mail.) Send full tuition along with registration form to:
Washington Sculpture Center (WSC)
1338 Half Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Visit us online at: DCSculpture.org
Refunds are given for classes—less a $50.00 processing/registration fee —only if we are notified in writing at least two weeks prior to the start of the scheduled class. WSC will call you if the class/workshop is full or canceled. Full refunds will be given only if the class if full, if WSC cancels the class, or if the student notifies the WSC within the required time. Classes are on a first-come, first-served basis. Workshop fees are non-refundable unless the workshop is full or canceled by WSC. There are no refunds after the beginning of a class or workshop. A confirmation e-mail will be sent upon registering for a class/workshop. For additional information or to ask questions, send e-mail (info@DCSCulpture.org). Be sure to read the WSC Policies for additional information.